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Artiste: phish - Titre: tubthumping 

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We'll be singing

When we're winning

We'll be singing

I get knocked down

But I get up again

You're never going to keep me down

Pissing the night away

Pissing the night away

He drinks a whiskey drink

He drinks a vodka drink

He drinks a lager drink

He drinks a cider drink

He sings the songs that remind him

Of the good times

He sings the songs that remind him

Of the better times:

"Oh Danny Boy

Danny Boy

Danny Boy..."

I get knocked down

But I get up again

You're never going to keep me down

Pissing the night away

Pissing the night away

He drinks a whiskey drink

He drinks a vodka drink

He drinks a lager drink

He drinks a cider drink

He sings the songs that remind him

Of the good times

He sings the songs that remind him

Of the better times

"Don't cry for me

Next door neighbor"

I get knocked down

But I get up again

You're never going to keep me down

We'll be singing

When we're winning

We'll be singing


Nous chanterons

Quand nous gagnerons

Nous chanterons

Je suis abattu

Mais je me relève

Tu ne me laisseras jamais à terre

Pissant la nuit au loin

Pisser toute la nuit

Il boit un whisky

Il boit une vodka

Il boit une bière blonde

Il boit un verre de cidre

Il chante les chansons qui lui rappellent

Les bons moments

Il chante les chansons qui lui rappellent

Les bons moments :

"Oh Danny Boy

Danny Boy

Danny Boy..."

Je me fais renverser

Mais je me relève

Tu ne me laisseras jamais à terre

Pissing the night away

Pissing the night away

Il boit un whisky

Il boit une vodka

Il boit une bière blonde

Il boit un verre de cidre

Il chante les chansons qui lui rappellent

Les bons moments

Il chante les chansons qui lui rappellent

Les meilleurs moments

"Ne pleure pas pour moi

Le voisin d'à côté"

I get knocked down

But I get up again

Tu ne me laisseras jamais tomber

We'll be singing

When we're winning

We'll be singing

traductions des paroles

Les meilleures chansons du monde