Paroles & Traduction: - rocafella beat Ci-dessous, vous trouverez les paroles avec la traduction affichées côte à côte! Sur notre site web, vous trouverez de nombreuses autres paroles avec les traductions de ! Consultez nos archives et les autres paroles, par exemple cliquez sur la lettre e de et voyez quelles chansons nous avons le plus de dans nos archives comme rocafella beat .
*eminem*. ay yo Obie. show your teeth man. obie*. it's about to get real ugly man. shady records man. [invasion]. d-twizzy. *eminem*. cus we're smiling. *obie*. eminem mutha fuckas. [1]. 50cent. [2]. obie trice. [3]. lets go!. throw them hands up [uh]. throw them hands up [bustas]. throw them hands up [bitch]. throw them hands up [hoes!]. throw them hands up [fuck faces]. throw them hands up [dick riders]. throw them hands up [fake assed mutha fuckas. all y'all]. throw them hands up. *obie*. you know how i be. high for V.I.P. i'll be in the club til I D.I.E. somewhere in the mix fucking with the. D.I.K.Es. spitting at whore moody rain more. you talk shit i talk shit to B. you pull out a mag bare of bus so B. you pull out a mag don't buss Obie. faggot ass with the seasame. you know a nigger beemed up. hood tripled beamed up. ash on V's rolling on sprees - what. was that who what? ask Em i'll shoot ya. take on the barnuda get real of the madusa. lose for night track fifteen. i proved you mother fuckers that a screw. weren't tight. the eminem show for mic's in the show. o's all politics!
*eminem*. ay yo Obie. montre tes dents mec. obie*. ça va devenir vraiment moche mec. shady records man. [invasion]. d-twizzy. *eminem*. parce qu'on sourit. *obie*. eminem mutha fuckas. [1]. 50cent. obie trice. [3]. let go !. throw them hands up [uh]. throw them hands up [bustas]. throw them hands up [bitch]. throw them hands up [hoes !]. throw them hands up [fuck faces]. throw them hands up [dick riders]. throw them hands up [fake assed mutha fuckas. all y'all]. throw them hands up. *obie*. tu sais comment je suis. défoncé pour V.I.P. je serai dans le club jusqu'à ce que je sois D.I.E. quelque part dans le mix à baiser avec les. D.I.K.Es. crache sur la pute moody rain more. you talk shit i talk shit to B. you pull out a mag bare of bus so B. you pull out a mag don't buss Obie. faggot ass with the seasame. you know a nigger beemed up. hood tripled beamed up. cendre sur V's rolling on sprees - quoi. était-ce qui quoi ? demandez à Em je vais vous tirer dessus. prendre sur le barnuda obtenir réel de la madusa. perdre pour la nuit piste quinze. je vous ai prouvé baiseurs de mère qu'une vis. n'étaient pas serrés. le spectacle d'Eminem pour micro dans le spectacle. o's all politics !
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