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  • crobot – legend of the spaceborne killer

Artiste: crobot - Titre: legend of the spaceborne killer 

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The legend of the spaceborne killer

Made the front page today

Nobody knows where he came from

Why he's here, or what he'll do to you

I just saw the flashing lights

They blinded me they shined so bright

Is it half bird, half bot, or half alien

Well, I don't know but he's got something in his hand!

The legend of the spaceborne killer

I met face to face today

I couldn't tell just what he wanted

If I had it to give I would've gave it away

I just saw his glowing eyes

They blinded me they shined so bright

Is it half bird, half bot, or half alien

Well, I don't know but he's got something in his hand!

In his hand

Well, in his hand

Well, in his hand

Well, in his hand

No more buildings to stand tall

No, he must've destroyed them all

Is it half bird, half bot, or half alien

Well, I don't know but he's got something in his hand!

Yeah, in his hand

Well, in his hand

Well, in his hand

Well, in his hand


La légende du tueur de l'espace

a fait la première page aujourd'hui.

Personne ne sait d'où il vient

Pourquoi il est là, ou ce qu'il va vous faire.

J'ai juste vu les lumières clignotantes

Elles m'ont aveuglé, elles brillaient tellement fort

Est-il mi-oiseau, mi-robot, ou mi-alien ?

Je ne sais pas, mais il a quelque chose dans la main !

La légende du tueur de l'espace

Je l'ai rencontré face à face aujourd'hui

Je ne saurais dire ce qu'il voulait

Si j'avais eu quelque chose à donner, je l'aurais donné.

J'ai juste vu ses yeux brillants

Ils m'ont aveuglé, ils brillaient tellement fort

Est-il mi-oiseau, mi-robot, ou mi-alien ?

Je ne sais pas, mais il a quelque chose dans sa main !

Dans sa main

Well, in his hand

Well, in his hand

Well, in his hand

Plus de bâtiments pour se tenir debout

Non, il a dû tous les détruire

Est-il mi-oiseau, mi-robot, ou mi-alien ?

Eh bien, je ne sais pas, mais il a quelque chose dans sa main !

Ouais, dans sa main

Well, in his hand

Well, in his hand

Well, in his hand

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